26 September, 2011

It's a trend ... or something REALLY important

I say that as if I were the arbiter of 'importance'.  But really - just how many times does the average rational thoughtful human being need to see the same behaviours repeated almost 'to the template' by a group of others before they speak out? 

Today I hit my "critical mass".  One more time was once too often.  See - there are a group of 'self appointed' masters of the other space I blog at.  Funny - on a sex site one would only expect to see master in terms of the dom / sub relationship.  But not here.  These twits are helpfully providing their superior popular half baked opinions on who one should interact with, how one should interact, what you should write on, and *gasp* all you needed to know ( including personal information ) about the 'people' out there.  

The old  .. I know better and the 'whole story' so trust me - coming from someone that you only 'know' from the internet.  Really?  Umm .. can anyone say school days lunchroom anyone?

See - the joy of a site like that is the persona you can create to show the better parts of yourself, or a side that isn't exactly 'ready for primetime television'.  But - there are more who actually are just being themselves - learning from the interactions and discovering a place where you can get advice and be heard.  It strokes that little place we all have that needs stroking and you know what?  It feels GOOD.  Yes - I said it .. it feels GOOD when people appreciate what you think and how you express it.  

But - to every silver lining - there is a cloud - that thick miasma of agenda and jealousy and liars and control.  And they are omnipresent.  They even can, and do, ruin the whole tone and tenor of a space if left to run rampant.  Mud ALL over the place.  And - you could be next.  Because - they can.  If someone doesn't speak up and say - ENOUGH. 

Today I spoke.  Not because I particularly care about any in the game.  I don't.  I just find it completely ironic that the same ones who said it all would be done when they dethroned the 'former queen' are now hot and heavy again.  And the targets - the same - dredging up the old stuff - and throwing in some new for obfuscation.  Just because they are not exactly repeating the story - just adding details.  

I'm tired of being one of those on the sidelines - or one of the 'collateral damage' victims.  Thinking that I haven't a need to speak out is akin to watching the neighbours rousted out of their house at 3 am in 1939 Berlin.  Just because you aren't on that list today -- you could be tomorrow.   There is much being said about kids who are bullied today - and I bring you the genesis .. 

Those who are old enough to be their parents, may be their parents - and should know better.  Wasn't it Christ who said "Whatever you neglected to do unto one of these least of these, you neglected to do unto Me!" ?   

Yeah.  I thought so.


  1. I'm still optimistic even though I'm really starting to believe that while it can be a venue for people to learn..about others..about themselves..about different things and ideas they may have never thought of before it seems not to be the case more and more each day.

    I already knew there were psychos and stalkers and selfish sociopaths out there :-/

  2. You're right. I got targeted even though (because?) I refused to engage in their little games, and someone I was friends with IRL happened to pique the ire.

    On one hand, it's beyond pathetic; they're ridiculous and sad. I am glad to not have to deal with THAT mess, even vicariously, anymore.

    On the other hand ... I'm glad that people like you know what is what and aren't afraid to say it. My method was to sit back and shut up. I still got tangled up in it despite my (futile) efforts to stay out of things. That didn't work. SOMEONE should set the record straight and refuse to let them run rampant.

    It's pretty ridiculous. A fraction of the population ruins a whole aspect of the site (and the whole reason for visiting the site) for everyone else, yet for some reason, the site allows it to continue ... I would recommend a mass exodus if that were remotely feasible.

  3. Can I just shake my head here? Yes? Good :)

  4. @ Chris .. If I didn't have some optimism - reinforced in regular enough intervals by sanity - I would have walked away. But - they won't chase me off ( did the 'Gilligan Tour" teach them nothing ) nor will I quietly allow them their 'moments' without calling foul. I have that problem with 'discovering and determining' the psychos out there. It's not a 'mindset' I can easily empathize with - and often - they are fascinating. But - it's that car crash on the other side of the highway. I'll just keep poking - it annoys them and amuses me.

    @ Ambs .. I know - some I saw, some I didn't till later. And I'm sorry for it. Yes - there are several who ( I am sure ) were the 'hall monitors' in grade school because without that moment of "special" they would really have been the outsider. Sadly - they think they need to continue this behaviour without looking to see where they are the problem. And that is something that I spend far too much time reviewing for myself. I wish I was thoughtless like that.

    @ smarty .. I chuckled too. Then cackled. Because they won't, can't or care to see their mistakes. I can take the bad behaviours if someone owns it and sees the mistakes ... and works to change. But -wallowing about like this is foolish. And a train wreck

  5. I think I am supposed to say nice things here, be optimistic, etc. but I don't feel like it.

    There are a lot of people who pretend to be something they aren't. Then there are people who are very clearly the world's biggest assholes and I prefer them over the people who need me to 'think' they are good.

    That place has become a cesspool of bad behavior and I think that over time it will only get worse until someone really is hurt. And that's a shame.
