25 September, 2011

Yeah yeah yeah ...

It's a curious phenomenon for me - I have literally tons to speak on- yet I can't find the thread that makes things actually feel right.  Perhaps this is all somehow woven into the overwhelming cat with cream on it's whiskers that is exactly HOW I feel right now. 

Things are good - no - better than good.  Solid and settled in this relationship at home.  Not in the "oh it's you again" thing, but in that reveling in the enjoyment of each other.  Laughing at bad and slightly ok WHOLLY tasteless comments, listening to him sing, and just being.   Stupid people don't interfere much in those days.  Not really participating in much reading at the other space.  I see some 'highlighted' and have an automatic list in my head that gives me possible 'options' for their posts. 

Oh - and the 'queen' gave up her crown.  **pausing to hand out the airsick bags**  Another pathetic ploy to remain relevant while denying all culpability for the fact that she just isn't a very nice or worthwhile human being.  OK - perhaps harsh.  But - that's me.  I'm not alone in my thinking. 

So - this is little more than a placeholder - there will be more - as I find the words.  Perhaps I just put up a stream of 'thought bubbles' ...   Oh wait.  That is just what this was 


  1. That's a Dairy Queen crown and I'm sure it'll be replaced again soon with one with more sprinkles..of bullshit =))=))

    It's just seeming more and more not worth it every day which kinda sucks because it used to be fun but hell there's plenty of fun to be had in many other places :-)

  2. Have i arrived ??am i here ??it has taken me god knows how long to set this up plus i had to write everything dwon so id not foget it EG as in passwords and stuff :)) weres my welcome matt ??lol

  3. I have lost the will in the other place with all the crap going on i thought when the crap with EN was finished things were going to get a bit normalish but hey they need to throw the shit at some one else
    I also seen a lot of true colours show up when it all kicked off and not in a nice way :(

  4. I just wanted to say I love 'thought bubbles'.


    And I like it here, away from there. I don't care who says that makes me crazy.

  5. Believe it or not, I keep trying to understand that girl. Ask Bubbles. It has frustrated me to no end. What's worse is I suspect that her family loves her unconditionally, but she wants what she wants and they seem to have landed in second place. Makes me sad.

  6. @ chris .. rather appropos - since someone is upping their calorie intake. :) It has. And I am tired of it. Therefore -- I shall, did and have spoken.
    Will it make a difference? No clue. But - I will go down swinging.

    @ Sandra .. no. It won't end because ( little secret here ) they have ZERO validation in their own lives ... they are too invested in it all and being the 'all knowing'. Too bad when they look in a mirror the facade is down and all they see is pathetic, whinging, sub-standard beings. But - that's on them. I can, will and do stand by everything I did. And when I goof - I can take the hits. Too bad others aren't able to see the errors in their behaviours and adjust accordingly. Or maybe they just need their medications adjusted.

    @ Dee .. I like it here too. Different vibe, different freedoms. And well - I don't get the annoying emails telling me the 'things I should know' that will 'obviously prove' I am wrong.

    @ smarty .. go for it. I can give it to you in a nutshell. FACADE. Whinging, grasping, playing victim. Love is an interesting concept - sometimes it is that habit you can't break. Not everyone is able to see and make those distinctions. Her family was ALWAYS in second place - her need to be 'special' and validated through her sexual conquests puts everyone to the side but her. And - funny enough- she still isn't bright enough to realize that the 'one and done' in her life were just there for a hole. She made herself a cheap caricature of a viable being. Thats on her. What is on me is not supporting the illusion. And - after actually trying to talk sense into her - and her justifying, placing blame elsewhere and namecalling because the truth hurt .. I'm done. She is nothing in a pool of similar beings .. and my energy and caring are best spent with those who both appreciate and reciprocate.
