20 November, 2011

I am a thief ...

Oh not of anything interesting.  No, I don't have the missing millions from Iraq, or the paintings from the Gardiner Museum.  I don't even have a real grasp on where Rick Perry's brain cell went to die.  

But, a thief I am nonetheless. 

Emotions, phrases, experiences, trials, tribulations.  All of these I steal from those I know and encounter.  Not to take them away - but to stash them into this little box of "fodder", to be mulled over in quiet times.  Perhaps to include in a story or an idea, that moment of triumph that spurs on a coincidental fearless jolt of energy within me.  

See, I am a writer. Sure, at the moment I am using the word, unadorned and perhaps a bit softer than the other I am's that I could announce.  

But, despite it's being smaller, and somehow "less" it is none of those in import or investment from my perspective.  

As I come to grips with using that as one of the many labels that I can whip out at any moment to give a small descriptive of "who I am"; I also have learned that thief is possibly the one thing that best fits that new me, as it can fit any who have been "writers" before or since. 

The sum total of everything I read, hear, see and do is also somehow, somewhere informing the words I put down here that you, hopefully, read.  And, when something seems familiar, a turn of phrase or the outlines of a situation you encountered you will look back and realize that writers of fiction and fancy are, 
above all, 


  1. That's kinda harsh lol
    I think any good writer is inspired by others good, bad or otherwise and that interaction is what sparks the creative process. Individuals like yourself feel that pull to express themselves through forums such as these..but if you wanna be a thief so be it !! lol :-D

    It's all communication and getting to know people to me ;-)

  2. @Chris
    Perhaps "thief" was an odd reference - but it is a collection of all you encounter that then informs the rest of the mix .. or that is how I find it.

    A story here, a photo there, some conversation or snippet that resonated ...

  3. Pleasedtomeetcha because I fancy myself a writer (I like the teeny little font) too. Label myself one in fact, if someone uninformed on the prickliness of the subject asked me "what do you do?" as in what work do I do, I trot out "I write." They stare usually, and are unable to say anything, if I say "artist" the reaction is the same. And I can attest to the thief portion of that particular job description. Not in your case specifically, but as a whole "writers" are thieves. I hear there are four (five?) basic stories. Out of those spring forth flights of fantasy and fancy that have evolved into forests being decimated to write them all down.

    In my opinion, you should say WRITER in big bold capitals, because you should be proud to be one of them. One who actually is good at what she does, and doesn't just babble out pap for the masses to grow fat on. Unlike some of us *sigh* -- that's why I put "artist" with my "writer" as "what I do".

    You inspire. Be proud. Lots of people are stealing your ideas as we speak...
