21 December, 2011

Think of yourself as a Chicken...

Yes, a real chicken - the kind that lays eggs or fries up so neatly. Essentially, what few of us realize and all of us experience is that curious moment, in the coop, when the cannibalistic nature of the species comes to light.  And while you have been happily wandering about in the belief that everyone you encounter is honest and without agenda, with your rose coloured glasses - you fail to see that you are leaking blood from every orifice, and the natives are restless.  

There used to be ( and perhaps still is - I'm not up on my chicken facts ) a large market for 'Rose Coloured Glasses' for chickens.  This is real. 

It's a real photo.  It's a wooden chicken.  But yes- they are quite "hot" items for collectors of the 'oddities' of farm equipment. But, most importantly - it keeps the chickens from devouring themselves, and each other.  Because they are cannibals, and the sight of blood sends them into a frenzy, and the rose tint removes the 'red' contrast.  

It's not so easy on the internet.  While it is a wonderful tool, and can connect you with people from all over - it also can, and does, create a wonderful sense of 'remove'.  Those who ascribe to the theory that the person behind the words you read is little more than a cardboard cutout, with little value and lesser emotions than the displays at the liquor store you find hurt feelings, improper impressions, and callous words. 

See - this is not my first ride on the merry go round of blogging.  Those of you who read back see that I have blogged before - both in a similar venue to this and ( be prepared to be shocked here ) at a sex site.  No - I wasn't offering hints and tips on what position or technique will help you 'keep the excitement' - I was writing what felt right at the moment.  What amused, intrigued, angered or even needed to be said.  And there is feedback there - lots of feedback.  Which makes it addictive, because at heart I like the attention.  We all do when we sit down to write.  

And I entered the fray being over confident in my ability to sort out the 'fakes' and 'trolls' from the legitimate people.  Those people who were looking for another outlet or venue where the F-word was not taboo...

Fortunately, after many stops and starts I found that key group - those people who you just know that were you to sit down for coffee the conversation and discussion could last for hours.  

But what few talk about honestly is those people who are there for a single reason, and since it is integrally tied to their ego and view of their place in this world, everything, literally everything is wrapped up in your walking lock step with them, affirming their every move ( even the horrendous ones ) and for this writer the worst offense: making thoughtless comments that neither relate to what has been written or add a damn thing to the conversation.  

What we often fail to realize as readers is that while it does feel like a conversation with the writer, we are not privy to those oh so intimate tells that we have in real life, tone, facial expression, body language, even whether or not someone will meet your eyes.  While the words may bring you to tears at the horror of the scene, you don't know if the intention was simply to retell a story OR to create a sense of sympathetic openness in the readers one is cultivating.  Because in the mind of some, any attention is positive - keep them patting me on the head and I can continue to behave abominably because 'I've had it rough'.  I don't want to sound harsh or even dismissive of the natural and real ( and in my mind  GOOD ) stirrings of empathy and perhaps pity and even admiration. 

And yes - there is a point...

We all, those who blog; imagine, dream and fancy ourselves as facile and competent with our manipulations of the written word.  We read, see, relive and even imagine scenarios and scenes in our daily lives with a mental note ( or perhaps a jotting with a real pen to real paper ) "I must develop that idea".  And sometimes we do it extraordinarily well.  Exhibiting skills to rival Shakespeare in his facility with setting tone, scene and emotion.  Bringing you in, and making you see as we do.  Other times it's a near miss, and still others litter the floor with crumpled bits and half formed ideas. 

I'm just expanding to spend more energy in this exercise called writing in spaces where the coop isn't so crowded and the chickens don't require the rose tints.  


  1. I left the other site a few months ago and haven't missed it. I thought it was because I was in a new relationship, and yet that isn't entirely it. You see, I stayed while I was in other relationships.

    Then I thought I was tired but I looked at old posts and realized I had been tired for years.

    Then it hit me - I just didn't want to be around most of the people there - online or off. And that was an eye-opener.

    Do I miss it? No. There is this whole world of blogging out here that I didn't realize was available for me to be a part of and it feels so fresh and new. And sometimes it feels scary - but hey, we're all in this together, right?

  2. I recently turned off my profile on the other place and decided to upkeep my blog on here more. Posts get posted without the whole review process, and it seems to be drama free around these areas. I haven't really explored further into other blogs.
    But I like it here. Sure, my blog doesn't get as many views or comments as my other one. But I'm okay with that. I can write what I want about every day things and more serious thoughts that are on my mind. At the other place, I felt a sense of censorship.
    I do sort of check in every few days, but I'm starting to miss that place less.

    1. The thing I have found is that 'here' I can say so much more. 'There' felt like it was open but it really wasn't. People would read just to see if and how they fit into a post and usually it had nothing to do with them, lol.

      Maybe the real issue is that I have so very little to say. :)

  3. My writing SUCKS !! Yours has always been way better..so there !! :-D
    I'm glad you still find a place to get it all out there. :-)

  4. I enjoy the process of writing, which is primarily at the end why I was at that one other place for a few years. It wasn't why I initially went there. I went there to see if there was any spark left in my libido and well yep yep, but it got old (the way any new toy does) and there's all the fuss about entanglements (which I didn't want nor need), so I began to blog and voila! Discovered a whole new horizon to explore. Subsequent to that I found a host of folk that I find amusing, erudite, pithy, intelligent and spunky (not in a bad way..). And for once I felt I 'fit' into a group of folks who 'get' me and my way-ward sense of humor and timing. You're fabulous. You come to the point without boring the socks off your readers, and you do get what you want to say out there without mussing it up with frilly adjectives that are so much window dressing. Did you know? You are (one of) my heroes? I'll always come to read!
