19 July, 2011

And you thought this would be a regular thing ?

Guess again my pretties ..  I suppose the easiest way to explain would be to tell you that I forgot my password.  Which, in the grand scheme of things is truth. 
Because I have about 12 million of them.  And since A is such a techno geek - all of my passwords are "random generation".  It keeps people out of your stuff.  It also keeps you out of your stuff if you, say, forget to mark them down at the last change and then you do something incredibly brilliant and you erase your history - including your keychain that has all of the 12 million passwords stored there.

But - that would be the simple explanation, for my levels of paranoia and my fascination with technology and having alternates and backups for my backups weren't a habit of longstanding. See - I have 2 gmail accounts - one that I use almost excessively for everything, and one that I specifically designated for use with things that I assume will generate spam.  That was a lesson I learned with an old mindspring account when you weren't allowed multiples and most of my stuff went through there.

So - not only do I have 2 gmail accounts - but the lesser used one was the one under which I created this blog.  And, it never dawned on me ( even after trying to access this space with the wrong account - that it was NOT a password issue, it was a blonde moment. 

So - now that I have found this .. I am back.  And will undoubtedly start to move things about - get clearer formatting and deal with all that.

But - for the moment - it's good just to be. 


  1. A blonde finds her way eventually ;-)..lol

  2. It was a classical move for me ... usually it's just the password - never get the whole account wrong

  3. I hate the friggin’ user name/password thing. I have them scribbled on the backs of business cards, the insides of matchbooks and on old utility bill envelopes. I promised myself two weeks ago that I was gonna make a neat list of them in my computer; a friend advised me not to do that as it’s a security no-no. I guess I’ll dig out the old Underwood and type a list that way…someday.

  4. @ All Knight:

    You did see where I had everything wrong yes? Including the username? Yeah - blonde moment.

    I have them written down too - mostly. I just got a new book to log it all in .. and we have them in key savers on the server here. It helps to have a techie to hand :)
