25 July, 2011

Thoughts on a Garden

**please note .. this is most of a post that I had at the other space, and think it is relevant to all blogs**

A friend of mine in the blogs, once made a comment about blogs being like your garden.  Requiring careful tending and attention to flourish and bear fruit.

I'm taking the seed of the idea one step further. Because it was an idea that spoke to me in a near perfect analogy of the styles one can encounter with a touch of perseverance and patience.

There are those who are purely ornamental, full of flowery nothingness but contributing to the visual.
The grassy plains - solid, nurturing, feeding the need for information and understanding, basic things but so integral to a well-ordered experience. 

Maze gardens, full of twists and turns that make little sense but always bring you back to the writer when they don't lose your interest with the layers of detail. 

Small kitchen gardens - spice and herb and beauty intermingled to give succor, zip and pleasure. 

Landscaped lawn decoration - a tough rigidly planted and limited in scope - they are unique only for the colours that compliment or contrast to the more wildly exotics. 

Wildflower gardens: less a structured garden but a wild profusion of flowers and butterflies. Open and free allowing nettles to grow as openly and honestly as violets.

English gardens, of the stately homes. Multiple layers and thoughts leading from one to another, encompassing all that one sees, ornamental flowers and shrubs, topiaries, mazes and wildly profuse colours and groupings all set to a theme.

Every blogger has a garden, that needs careful tending where comments and readers serve as fertilizer. Each writer here has the ability to build a garden that pleases them, and helps them to randomly or precisely set forth a path. If you look at your self and memories and reactions as the foundation of you - a house as it were, the garden is the space in which you both invite others in and use as a "testing ground" for new ideas, experimental thoughts and reactions, a place to nurture the seeds of growth and thought. Bring them to flower or just discard them when they aren't fitting in the overall scheme of the seeds you are planting for the results you wish to see.

Some days, it does pay for you to look carefully at your garden...


  1. Well said. I read this at the other place, and now here, and it was worth the read, both times.

  2. @Shy .. thank you. It's one of my favourites still ...
