23 July, 2011

Is it ever really this simple?

I read a line today that simply stated, "he didn't love me like I loved him. Now I look for that sort of return always".  I wondered if anyone would actually distill something as complex as love in a relationship down to measuring just how much you are loved in return?

Apparently they do.  And that makes me sad. Perhaps because I really cannot determine just what would lead someone to make all decisions based on the equality of feeling felt, and just how do you really make those sorts of measures.  Is it as simple as just declaring I love you this much, while spreading your arms?

What about who says it more? Do you ask? Do you demand? 

Who determines who is more "committed" to the idea of love, and for that matter, do both people actually HAVE the same idea of love? 

On the whole, the entire idea of being equal in love is rather sad, even after thinking on it.  

I'm not saying that unrequited love is something to throw yourself into, but if I were to measure all of my friends, lovers, relationships into a bowl then one by one decide who always returned my effort equally.  Well, let's just say I won't do that. 

Because I know that I will come up short.  And I know that others will too. 

Because love, to me, is not measured it is felt and freely given.  


  1. Well put. One can never quantify 'love'. It is there freely or, at least to me, it isn't love. It might be lust, admiration, friendliness taken to a high level or a host of other things.

    Love is (ha ha - the old cartoon of the 70s.. Love IS :) ) never having to say a word nor act upon it. It simply is.

  2. @Shy .. hiya you
    Yeah - I was saddened when I read this - because the one making the statement is hurting I know..
    yet I can't help but wonder if there isn't some misstep with the theory, that makes it more difficult.

    I remember the Snoopy one - those were Happiness Is - but the feeling holds true. At least for me.

  3. If's versus why's always work better to me it seems. If it's not working...why measure it ?? Why bother if you're not happy..it's basic and it actually helps heal faster. Sure it hurts rip the band-aid off and move on. If a person doesn't do that then why ask questions..just accept it and live it then..they may not ask why as much if they just give it a chance to run it's course one way or another without having to quantify every little thing.

  4. I'm rather with you when it comes to the end of things, but sadly this appears to be an ingrained pattern with the one who made the statement - that need to quantify to see if things are "equal". To be fair, I am only getting that from a few similar veined revelations from this person - and once I commented to it being sad, but apparently the whys never twigged.

    It's just me - finding patterns that are or aren't working, this one just happened to really feel sad.
