20 July, 2011


It's less what you see - but what you 'think' you see. Imagination enables you to form pictures in your head, to project expectations of reactions from those you read, even to create bonds. But, without really meeting someone and being in their sphere, are you really able to form a solid opinion of who they are? 

It's been a series of discussions in many places, with opinions varying depending on how people view themselves, how they have experienced others in their interactions, and perhaps most importantly, how honestly they portray themselves in their interactions. 

This forum is limiting in it's 'exposure' of self only to the degree that I allow it to rein in my wild exposures.  But you never really will know me like the one who lives with me daily does, or like my daughter does, or even as people I work with do.  There are pieces that will only be served by your imagination and perceptions of the me I present to you. 

We are all real people - blogging and writing still must have that human element at the keyboard.  Sure, perhaps we are a better version of self - polishing off those rough edges that we aren't willing to show, even changing our persona to fit what we think will gain popularity.  It's all a defense, like maquillage and  airbrushing - trying to present the best sides for first impression. 

But, as I have extreme difficulties with describing me or my goals in a limited set of words that will always hold true no matter what; I also don't think that my 'telling' you with a series of descriptives the who I am is particularly useful or helpful either.  Because it is up to you, the readers, to decide who is or isn't worth your time to read.  It is your interaction that will be unique with any of the writers you encounter, and then it is primarily just that series of interactions on which you should base your initial impressions of any blogger you read.

Of course, as you become more familiar with the writer, you find things ( like in every relationship ) that don't always sit comfortably, or things that you can admire, and sometimes even that there are commonalities that transcend distance, age, experience and even toughies like politics and religion.  Because, after all is said and done - we are all looking to find those connections, to learn, explore and perchance to grow ....



  1. You could also say there's only one first impression and everything runs downhill from there :)

  2. I never believed that though - it may tinge, but with communication and exposure some can change your initial opinion.

    Some are doomed from jump though - :)

  3. I love the imagination evident in your blog header photo; I’m also envy you for the use of that camera.

    Perception is complex and deep. Perception of self is what some people settle for when the reality of the desired self can’t be obtained or perhaps tolerated. Holy cow; I’m in too deep, throw me a line. :-)

  4. @ All Knight:

    The photo is from a friend from the other site ...he's sourcing the photographer for me since it's one of those he stumbled across and is French in origin.

    perception is interesting. What I have discovered is those who are most aware of themselves are the ones I most appreciate. Those who need the facade to deal show far too many cracks and really don't hold much interest for me for long :)
